

"The Secret Lives of Waves," ushers in a new perspective in the realm of wave photography. Set along the serene shores of the Texas Gulf Coast, this series thoughtfully diverts from capturing the grandeur of towering ocean waves, focusing instead on the subtle elegance of smaller surf. Lowy's artistry lies in his ability to spotlight the minute yet captivating details - the delicate dance of foam and spray, or the ephemeral beauty of a single drop of water suspended in mid-air.

Each image in the collection is a celebration of these often-overlooked aspects. The foam, for instance, is not just a byproduct of the wave's motion but a delicate, lace-like pattern that adorns the sea's surface. Similarly, a droplet caught in flight becomes a crystal-clear sphere, reflecting the world around it in a fleeting moment of suspended gravity. These photographs offer a glimpse into the intricate interplay of elements at a scale that typically escapes the naked eye.

Through his lens, Lowy transforms these transient moments into lasting visual poetry. "The Secret Lives of Waves" is more than a photographic journey; it is an intimate exploration of the ocean's quieter voice. Lowy not only captures the physical beauty of these smaller waves but also encapsulates their ethereal, almost mystical, essence, inviting us to rediscover the ocean's hidden wonders.